Why You Should Consider Buying a Standing Desk

How Standing Desks Can be of Huge Advantage to Students

Standing desks have become a lot more popular these days due to the good amount of benefit it offers. Most of these desks are not designed with a fixed height that can only accommodate a standing user but are...
Seat Cushion Material

How to Choose an Office Chair for a Heavy Person

Just as the faces of people are different, so does their average weight vary from one individual to the other. If you happen to be in a gathering of people no matter where you find yourself, you will notice...
Personal Computer

7 Things a Freelancer Must Have While Working at Home

Working from home could be a dream come true for some, or taking life as it comes for others. Whichever way it goes for you, it is pertinent to realize that working from home turns out to be as...
Office Chairs with Rubber Wheels

How to use Office Chairs with Rubber Wheels

Casters are a very important component of office chairs. They carry the weight of both the chair and the person sitting on it. If your job duties require you to sit continuously on an office chair and make small...
SmartDesk DIY kit

Discover The Simplest Low Cost Standing Desks DIY Plans

A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine reveals that those long sitting periods may lead to early death regardless of how much exercise an individual does. Scary, right? Other Scientists also established that people who sit...
Dochair Autonomous

Autonomous Derby office chairs: MyoChair vs AvoChair

Autonomous is an office furniture manufacturing company. The range of office furniture offered by the company has been top-notch, durable, and sturdy. In this article, we will compare two different upcoming models of office chairs – Autonomous AvoChair vs...

Autonomous New Chairs: The OsmoChair (ErgoChair Core)

The OsmoChair - or formerly known as ErgoChair Core chair is the new ergonomic chair by Autonomous, a brand that is known for its intelligently designed office chairs. With the clever ergonomic design, the OsmoChair helps keep your spine...
Standing desk

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Standing Desks, Is it for You?

It’s no secret that the way we organize and manage offices and work spaces now is changing. Most notably, the amount of new technology entering the workplace is staggering; every day new gadgets and tricks are released that change...
work smarter

Best Modern Home Design Ideas to Make your Apartment Smarter

Technology continues to improve as the years roll by and everyone wants to be a part of the revolution. Phones are becoming smarter, cars are becoming more sophisticated, computers are taking over virtually everything. With such a wave of...
Baby Blue Ergochair 2 Autonomous

Why You Should Choose an Office Chair with Rubber Wheels

Office chair with rubber wheels helps increase efficiency and comfort in the workplace. Moreover, these chairs are guaranteed to protect your floors from marks and scratches on any surface. This makes them ideal for almost any surface including, tiles,...